We’re here to help
Traditional Asian Medicine dates back thousands of years. When most people think about Traditional Asian Medicine, Acupuncture and the insertion of needles into the body at various points is usually what comes to mind. But there is more to Traditional Asian Medicine than Acupuncture.
Our Services
There is more to Traditional Asian Medicine than Acupuncture. Modalities also include Chinese Herbal Therapy, Moxibustion, Tui Na, Massage and BodyWork, Shiatsu, Gua Sha, and Cupping, Nutritional advice, exercises pertinent to a patient's chief concern, as well as home care techniques. During a session a practitioner will most likely include insertion of Acupuncture needles, but often other techniques are used to enhance the efficacy of the treatment.
At Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness, we specialize in Gynecological Concerns like Endometriosis, Fertility, Painful Menstruation, PMS, Irregular Menstruation, Menopause Symptoms, Fibroids, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Disease (PCOS/ PCOD).
The following list is by no means comprehensive, but meant to give you an idea of some of the additional conditions that Traditional Asian Medicine can help treat:
Allergies & Asthma
Anxiety, Depression, & Palpitations
Arthritis, Tendonitis, & Joint Pain
Auto Injuries
Bladder & Kidney Infections
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cancer (to alleviate side effects of Western Therapy)
Common Cold & Influenza
Crohn’s Disease
Degenerative Disk Disorders
Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control
Headaches & Migraines
Hormonal Imbalances
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Improving Immunity
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Musculoskeletal Pain
Neuralgia (Nerve Pain)
Orthopedic Conditions
Pain Management
Skin Problems (Acne, Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis)
Smoking Cessation
Sports Injuries
Stress & Tension Syndromes
Thyroid Conditions
Ulcerative Colitis
Work Injuries
“Stephanie got me through chemo and its side effects. I couldn't have gotten through it without her!”
— Jody