We’re here to help
Traditional Asian Medicine dates back thousands of years. When most people think about Traditional Asian Medicine, Acupuncture and the insertion of needles into the body at various points is usually what comes to mind. But there is more to Traditional Asian Medicine than Acupuncture.
Our Services
There is more to Traditional Asian Medicine than Acupuncture. Modalities also include Chinese Herbal Therapy, Moxibustion, Tui Na, Massage and BodyWork, Shiatsu, Gua Sha, and Cupping, Nutritional advice, exercises pertinent to a patient's chief concern, as well as home care techniques. During a session a practitioner will most likely include insertion of Acupuncture needles, but often other techniques are used to enhance the efficacy of the treatment.
At Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness, we specialize in Gynecological Concerns like Endometriosis, Fertility, Painful Menstruation, PMS, Irregular Menstruation, Menopause Symptoms, Fibroids, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Disease (PCOS/ PCOD).
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Stand Alone Treatments
Initial Acupuncture or Herbal Consult with First Treatment
90 Minute $175
120 Minute $225
This fee includes your initial consult as well as your first treatment, administered at the time of the first consult. Herbs, supplements, or additional products recommended for your wellness are not included.
Follow-up visits (Existing Patients) / $150
Follow-up visits Extended (Existing patients) / $195
A 90-minute session includes Acupuncture plus the addition of one or more of the following:
Front and Back treatment on the same visit
Gua Sha
General Packages
Ten 60-minute Follow Up Treatments / $1350
Twenty 60-minute Follow Up Treatments / $2500
*Note for custom packages this needs to be discussed with our clinic; these packages do not include the initial consult and evaluation; packages can be designed to include adjunct modalities - these packages are just for Acupuncture treatments.
NOTE: We DO NOT accept insurance. We can issue you a Superbill for you to submit to your insurance. We do accept Health Savings Account and Flexible Savings Accounts as payment for Acupuncture treatments.
Mei Zen Acupuncture for the Face or Neck
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is a method of Acupuncture designed to smooth lines and wrinkles and allow for a more healthy appearance to the skin. This protocol is perfect for the person who does not want to undergo a surgical procedure and is looking for a way to age gracefully. Package consists of an initial consult and then 5 weeks of treatments with Acupuncture being administered 2x per week to the face or neck. In addition you will receive a Glycolic Peel at the beginning of starting care and at the end of the 10 treatments as part of the protocol, as well as 3 sets of photographs to chart your progress.
We require a 15-minute consult to determine whether or not you are an appropriate candidate for this protocol.
Cosmetic Consult: $100
Mei Zen Protocol Face OR Neck / $1800
(price includes products for home care)
Mei Zen Maintenance / $180 per session
(Monthly treatments will give the best results, minimum of two treatments for maintenance recommended at 6 months)
Microneedling / Nanoneedling
Microneedling utilizes a Class II Medical Grade Microneedling Device to naturally rejuvenate fine lines and wrinkles as well acne scars and scars without invasive surgeries or injections. Microneedling creates a small wound that initiates collagen production and new skin growth. It can be used for scarring.
Microneedling can be done monthly, and Nanoneedling (which treats at a more shallow depth) can be administered weekly for exfoliation. Microneedling is recommended to be done in a series of 4 treatments over four months. Can be done after your Mei Zen Treatment or without.
Cosmetic Consult: $100
Microneedling Face and Neck / $1000
(4 treatments over 4 months, price includes home care treatment products)
Microneedling/ Nanoneedling Face and Neck/ $900 (1 Microneedling treatment and 3 Nanoneedling treatments over 4 weeks, price includes homecare products)
Microneedling Maintenance / $300 per session
Nanoneedling Maintenance / $300 per session
Glycolic Peels
Glycolic Peels are a way to exfoliate the epidermis. They can act as a way to prep the skin for better Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture and Microneedling results.
Glycolic Peel Series / $425
(Three treatments over 3 months, includes home care treatment products)
Glycolic Maintenance / $150 per session
Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening
Plasma-Fibroblast Skin Tightening treatment is a revolutionary method for facial rejuvenation. Plasma-Fibroblast Skin Tightening is a non-surgical technique where no scalpels or any other surgical instruments are used.
PFST uses an electrical arch and touches the skin surface causing superficial damage to the upper skin layer of the skin and transfers heat to the lower parts of the skin. This causes healing in the Dermis, which, as a result of the Inflammatory Response, causes new skin to produce collagen and elastin fibers - components of the skin that can fade over the years.
The result is contraction and tightening of the skin cells. Consequently, the excess skin is reduced and the result is comparable to lift procedures or wrinkle reduction. Most, if not all, methods of skin resurfacing are based on creating a controlled skin damage, which activates its healing and this leads to the skin remodeling and improvement in various signs of aging.
Cosmetic Consult: $100
Upper Eye Lids/ $500
Lower Eye Lids, Crows Feet/ $500
Forehead/. $600
Jawline/. $600
Neckline/. $800
Upper, Lower Lip, Nasal Groove/. $400
Belly Tightening/ $1800
Forehead, Upper and Lower Lids/ $1400
Lower Face and Neck/. $1400
Midface and Jawline/. $800
Forehead, Upper and Lower Lids, Midface, and Jawline/. $2000
Fibroblast Touch Up (6-8 weeks later)/ $300 and up (per region)
***For more information on how to combine Mei Zen, Microneedling, Glycolic Peels, and Fibroblast Skin Tightening procedures, speak with Dr Stephanie to determine the best course of treatment and design a custom treatment plan that meets your specific needs.
Mei Zen Wellness
Our Mei Zen Wellness protocol consists of an initial treatment and consult and 3 month protocol of treatments. This protocol is designed to promote digestive wellness and regularity, regulate the menstrual cycle for women, and allow the recipient to live more balanced.
If this protocol is being utilized for weight loss, it is possible that more than one course of treatment will be necessary. This is also a great protocol for those looking to enhance both female and male fertility. An initial Acupuncture treatment is recommended to determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for the protocol.
3 Month Protocol / $2880
Mei Zen Wellness Maintenance Treatments / $175 per session
Hypnosis & HypnoSomatic Acupuncture
Hypnosis is a trance-like state of deep relaxation, highly focused attention, and heightened suggestibility. I like to describe it as taking meditation to a deeper level. AND you don’t have to have experience with meditation to experience hypnosis. Under hypnosis, thought patterns and behaviors that aren’t serving us, and might be difficult to change, can begin to change on a subconscious level during the session(s).
Under Hypnosis you will not do anything that your subconscious mind isn’t willing to change - in other words this is NOT performance art and you will not bark like a dog - even if you wanted to - that’s not my bag. You are always in control during the treatment.
HypnoSomatic Acupuncture combines Hypnosis and Acupuncture for an even deeper state of relaxation and balancing the body. While resting during an Acupuncture treatment, Hypnosis is done concurrently with the Acupuncture treatment.
Initial Hypnosis/ HypnoSomatic Acupuncture Consult / $375
Hypnosomatic Acupuncture / $275 per session
Hypnosis / $200 per session
Package of 4 HypnoSomatic Acupuncture / $1000
Package of 4 Hypnosis Sessions / $700
Cupping is a modality that uses suction to help alleviate muscle aches and pains. It increases circulation helps reduce inflammation, acts to massage muscles, improves blood flow, and just feels amazing. Where massaging pushes in on the muscles to improve circulation, cupping lifts the muscles away
30-minute Cupping Treatments / $85 per session
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a technique that uses a flat edged tool to scrape along the muscles and tissue. It improves circulation, relieves tension, and alleviates muscle restrictions.
30-minute Gua Sha Treatments / $85 per session
Massage, Tui Na, Energetic Work
For some patients a multi disciplined approach is involved in a treatment plan. Often techniques such as La Stone Massage, Tui Na, Reiki, Qi Gong will be incorporated into a treatment plan in order to achieve maximum results.
La Stone Massage is a technique involving the use of heated and chilled stones to improve circulation, relax muscles on a deeper level, and attain a greater sense of relaxation.
Tui Na involves massaging the muscles and tendons vigorously to aid in healing.
Qi Gong and Reiki are energetic techniques that allow a deeper state of relaxation to be attained.
30-minute Massage Treatments / $75 per session
60-minute Acupuncture Reiki Treatments/ $150 per session
45 - minute Reiki Treatment/ $125
Moxibustion is the technique of using the herb mugwort (artemisia) - nicknamed moxa - in the care of conditions like fertility, joint pain, injury and more. The mugwort is usually compressed to look like a cigar and lit and held over acupuncture points and channels. It has the purpose of warming, moving, and invigorating.
30-minute Moxibustion Treatments / $85 per session
The following list is by no means comprehensive, but meant to give you an idea of some of the additional conditions that Traditional Asian Medicine can help treat:
Allergies & Asthma
Anxiety, Depression, & Palpitations
Arthritis, Tendonitis, & Joint Pain
Auto Injuries
Bladder & Kidney Infections
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cancer (to alleviate side effects of Western Therapy)
Common Cold & Influenza
Crohn’s Disease
Degenerative Disk Disorders
Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control
Headaches & Migraines
Hormonal Imbalances
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Improving Immunity
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Musculoskeletal Pain
Neuralgia (Nerve Pain)
Orthopedic Conditions
Pain Management
Skin Problems (Acne, Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis)
Smoking Cessation
Sports Injuries
Stress & Tension Syndromes
Thyroid Conditions
Ulcerative Colitis
Work Injuries

“Stephanie got me through chemo and its side effects. I couldn't have gotten through it without her!”
— Jody