when it comes to fertility, whether patients are having challenges or just want to make sure they are as healthy possible for the time of conception, we are here to help.
What is best for you and your family?
When trying to conceive (TTC) the state of health of the egg and sperm are the keys to a healthy embryo. If the parents are not eating well, smoking, drinking, etc, the health of the embryo might not have the same start as the embryo conceived when parents are checking all the boxes - not that either scenario guarantees the healthiest conception, but giving the best start can come from the months leading to conception.
When couples face challenges, whether they are straight, gay, trans, single, etc, we want to help patients through those challenges.
We like for our patients to start treatments and devote 3 months to improving their health before conception. 3 months of regular Acupuncture and Herbs will improve sperm and egg quality, help to improve the quality of uterine lining, and start soon to be parents on the path to wellness.
Often patients read that Acupuncture can help with embryo transfer and call Acupuncturists the week of a scheduled transfer. While we can do that, we know that your chances are greater for that treatment when you have been receiving Acupuncture in the months prior to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Meds that are administered for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and IVF can often cause emotional strain. Patients that receive acupuncture while undergoing treatment for fertility have less emotional outbursts, are not as weepy, and are less likely to feel like a soda can that was shaken and is ready to pop!
For more information about how Acupuncture can improve fertility contact Dr Stephanie!
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

“At the end of my life, when I say one final ‘what have i done?’ let my answer be, ‘i have done love’.”