Acupuncture and Gynecology
the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in Traditional Asian Medicine are named Zi Gong Xue, which translates to The Palace of the Child.
Do you want to feel better?
The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in Traditional Asian Medicine are named Zi Gong Xue, which translates into The Palace of the Child.
Navigating normal when it comes to how the uterus and ovaries 'should' function can be daunting. If you have a uterus, education surrounding what is normal and what is not, is glaringly absent. Most with a uterus don't even realize that pain is not normal. Let me say that again, PAIN IS NOT NORMAL. Once again for those in the back… PAIN IS NOT NORMAL.
Very little is spoken about what amount of bleeding is healthy vs unhealthy - how much is too much and how much is too little (no the little pink period is not necessarily healthy). Things like clotting almost never get discussed.
Many things come into play when it comes to having a healthy menstrual cycle. When you get treated, and start young enough working toward achieving a healthy menstrual cycle, life can be less painful, you optimize fertility, and you start taking care of yourself early on!
At the onset of menstruation, it's actually normal for the cycle to be irregular. While immediately going on hormones can 'regulate' the cycle, Acupuncture is a more natural way to help regulate the cycle.
Monitoring the cycle can also help when it comes to improving and enhancing fertility. Knowing what changes are going on - and yes the rhythm method has its pluses when it comes to seeing what is going on, you can often determine whether or not you are ovulating from monitoring changes in body temp. Changes in cervical discharge, and knowing what is normal vs abnormal can be used to see what is going on inside the body.
When a patient has been on chemical/ hormonal cycles (birth control pills (estrogen or progesterone), IUDs) oftentimes it takes a while for the body to return to normal. Acupuncture and herbs can help to get a cycle back on track and ready for pregnancy.
One's sexual experiences, and experiences around their sexuality can impact menstrual cycles.
If you have a uterus, we want to make sure it is being cared for with love and compassion.
Regular Acupuncture with or without Herbal Medicine can help you on the path to a happy, healthy uterus and ovaries!
If you have a uterus or used to have a uterus, we want to make sure it’s being cared for with love and compassion.
“Menstruation is the only blood that is not born from violence, yet it’s the one that disgusts you the most.”

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”