Your Illness is Not Your Fault

Morning coffee thoughts can we help people without playing the blame game?

Dr Stephanie H. Lipnicki, DACM, LAc

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I often read through social media posts to see what others with endometriosis battle with. My battles as an endowarrior are not necessarily the same as someone else’s battles.

After reading a post today that indicated we’re responsible for our illness - I got triggered. Now the post wasn’t specific to endometriosis, but it said “you contributed to your sickness, so you need to contribute to your healing.”

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I’ve had endometriosis since I was 12. It took me 16 YEARS to get a Dr to listen to me and stop saying it was ‘painful periods’, and by the time I got someone to listen it was Stage IV endo.

And believe me when I would sit there vomiting from the pain - as someone who went to Catholic School - the repeated question was what did I do wrong to deserve this. For a LONG time I felt something I did wrong got me where I was. I was 12 when starting to get my period and it was a sh*t show from day one.

But then it went one step further for me. It also got me thinking about my father having Multiple Sclerosis. I do think that given his medical history and the timeframe from his exposure to Agent Orange in the service that there are outside contributing factors. But I can’t believe he really made himself sick? Was my father really responsible for his multiple sclerosis? 

Ok. Not going to lie. I was SEETHING from this practitioner’s post. 

Or let’s go one step further. When I was in school, I had a nun tell me my father didn’t get better because I didn’t pray hard enough.

I know I can help with endometriosis, but there is SO much emotional and physical trauma that comes from having endometriosis, I certainly don’t need to reinforce that. Do I think there are changes people can make in their lives to ease what happens with endo - of course. But if you don’t know there are things that might be making the endometriosis worse - is there blame that should be placed on you? NO F*CKING way.

I certainly feel I can help in these situations, but I don’t want to blame and shame people to get them in the door of my office. My job is to help people on the the path to wellness not blame them for the sh*tty cards they were dealt. 




However - I would love to help you manage it.

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If you would like more information about how Acupuncture, Herbs, and lifestyle changes can help you manage life with endometriosis. Visit our website, read our other blogs, get on our mailing list, schedule a phone chat to see if we can help.

Until next time, be well,

Dr Stephanie


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